Portland Sailing Center

Portland, Oregon
(503) 281-6529

Portland, Oregon • (503) 281-6529


Click here for schedule information.

Click here for course descriptions.


Portland Sailing Center is a sailing school on the Columbia River near Portland Airport. Been here since the eighties, a lot of years to figure out what works the best for students. We teach sailing on ballasted keelboats from 22 to 39 feet in length. Most classes are local, one sails in the Gorge, one on the ocean. Portland and the Columbia River is a wonderful place to sail, vastly underappreciated.

It's about Location,

PSC is at the center of the best sailing in Portland, at the widest and windiest point on the Columbia River. Our boats are mere seconds from the main stem: no commute time from dock to sailing.


PSC is by the airport: 33rd and NE Marine Dr. We are NOT on Hayden Island, so getting to us any time of day is relatively easy. This makes weeknight sailing a great choice: access to the best winds, lightest traffic, and yes, some great sunsets.


Only PSC is specifically crafted to exploit the natural places and conditions of the Columbia River. Our textbook, A Forest of Sails, and instructors take best advantage of local conditions to prepare you for challenges here and abroad.

Classes are spread out over several weeks. Students experience a variety of conditions and have time to absorb the material between lessons.

and Freedom.

PSC is one of the rare schools that is not conscripted to a national franchise. We are free to craft a program that exploits local conditions. We don't have to adapt a generic "sailing for dummies" approach.

For many years we subscribed to one of the national chains, but it was not satisfactory: too much about recruitment and not enough about sailing.

our Mission

PSC is a sailing school, nothing more. We have no memberships to offer, no boats to sell you.

We are free to focus on how best to teach sailing and have fun doing it. We believe that doing is better than talking, and sailing is not so hard. You need not take a bunch of classes, just learn the basics and sail your butt off to build experience.

do we Rent Sailboats?

Yes, we have to (current and recent students only). Sailing on your own is the best way to build skills, so we try to make it easy. Some students share with other students; some go it alone. Most students buy 12 hours for $250, to use at their convenience.

Gift Certificates, Specials and Packages

Gift certificates, yes. But we give you the certificate to fill out, no prepayment. Payment is due when and if certificate is used.

Specials, no, with one exception. Our prices are already low, especially when you notice that Revisited and Basic 2 cost less than Basic 1! The one exception is the group discount for Basic 1. If you bring a pre-assembled group of four you can save 10% (no custom schedules).

Packages, no. Packages are rarely good for students because it locks them into a sequence that in hindsight was not ideal. Take Basic 1. After that you'll have a better idea of what to do next.

See Sailing Courses for course details. Email to portlandsailingatgmaildotcom (use normal format) or call us at 503-281-6529 for more information.

Portland Sailing Center
3335 NE Marine Drive
Portland, Oregon 97211


portlandsailingatgmaildotcom (use normal format)

© 2004 – Portland Sailing Center